Welcome to Special Olympics Colorado!

You are about to become part of an exciting network that will give you firsthand experience in the transformational power of sports. In Colorado, Special Olympics participation encompasses 22 official sports, Unified Sports, Athlete LeadershipInclusive Health and Young Athletes (2-7 years old). Beyond that, there are opportunities to be involved with Special Olympics Colorado at every age!

Get Started

Register for the upcoming season and check out which sports are offered throughout the year.
Your regional manager will be in touch


Not interested in sports? No problem, check out our health, fitness and leadership programming. You may still be asked to fill out our athlete application.

Prepare for the athlete application


Your regional manager will contact you with details!

View Details
  • A doctor-signed athlete medical is required to complete the athlete application. Your regional manager will provide more detail.
  • The athlete application is online-only and is required to participate.
  • Know someone who wants to participate but doesn’t have access to a computer? Contact your designated regional manager.

Click here to access resources to help you complete the athlete application quickly, and easily.

Once your athlete application is complete, get excited and start training!

Special Olympics Colorado Progression Model

When it’s time to transition to the next phase of life, there’s no need to say goodbye to Special Olympics Colorado. There’s a lifetime of opportunity!


Special Olympics Colorado athletes must be at least 8 years old (Young Athletes click here) and identified by an agency, or professional, as having an Intellectual Disability (ID).

As an organization, we are open and inclusive. Everyone has an opportunity to get involved with Special Olympics Colorado. Not eligible to compete as an athlete?

Get involved in the following ways:

Become a Unified Partner