Upcoming YPB events!
There are no upcoming events at this time
What is the Young Professionals Board all about?
We volunteer at several events throughout the year, ranging from Winter Games to Plane Pull.
We raise more than $75,000 annually to support Special Olympics athletes. This is made possible by the hard work of our membership and amazing community support.
Membership benefits include networking events, leadership opportunities, educational guest speakers and targeted trainings.
YPB Requirements for 2025:
$365 minimum for the year – which covers your dues and is enough funding to support a SOCO athlete participating in sports, leadership, and health programming for one year.
Ways to reach this:
- Your $100 membership fee counts toward this goal!
- Ticket purchases for key events such as Rockies Tailgate and Pins for a Purpose, Plane Pull, etc.
- Solicit in-kind donations for auctions and events (gifts cards, certificates, items, etc…)
- Donations (personal, family, friends, colleagues, etc…)
- Secure sponsorships for our events!
Secure at least 6 ‘points’ throughout the year by completing any of the below:
- 4 points: securing a sponsor for a Young Professionals Board Signature Event
- 2 points: volunteer at a SOCO games event (e.g., regional or state tournament, coaching, being a unified partner)
- 2 points: volunteer at a YPB Signature Event
- 1 point: attend a YPB Signature Event (the purchase of your ticket will also count towards your fundraising goal)
- 1 point: attend a committee meeting or YPB social event (e.g., Book Club)
- 1 point: recruiting a new YPB member to the board (mid-year or full year applications considered)
YPB Board Meeting Attendance:
Attend 4 out of the 6 YPB Board Meetings.
Get Involved
Questions? Contact Tiffany Wachtler
- 720-359-3115