June 2020 Winners

Travis Bruley
Athlete of the Month

Travis has been part of the Special Olympics Colorado family for 20 years. He competes in football, soccer and basketball, and is also an athlete ambassador and part of the Special Olympics Colorado Young Professional’s Board (YPB). Travis loves meeting new friends and being with his teammates and coaches.
Travis says he’s gained leadership and teamwork skills, as well as meaningful friendships through Special Olympics Colorado. He has multiple favorite memories involving his teammates and coaches, as well as all the volunteers who have helped make many events possible.
Travis is a valuable member of the Young Professional’s Board Executive Committee and serves as the first Athlete Representative. He enjoys attending the meetings and fundraisers that support Special Olympics Colorado. He has done such a great job already since he was elected at the beginning of the year. “He has made major strides in his professional development by working hard on professional email communication, video call etiquette which is coming in very handy now, and active board participation,” says Maggie St.Clair, Special Olympics Colorado Development Manager and YPB Staff Liason.
He serves as a leader for all of the athletes on our board and provides an athlete perspective during Executive Committee meetings. Since he is the first athlete ever in this role he is paving the way for other athletes to have leadership opportunities on the YPB.

Congratulations, Travis, on being June’s Athlete of the Month!


The Scheppers Family
Family of the Month

The Scheppers Family (Kristen and Mike, along with their children Madison, Ashton and Owen) has been involved with Special Olympics Colorado’s Young Athlete Program for 5 years. They have participated in Soccer, Basketball, Football, T-ball, Baseball, Hockey, Track & Field, Gymnastics, Skiing, Snowshoeing, Swimming, Bowling, Tennis, Biking, Martial Arts, Dancing (with the Nuggets dancers), weight lifting.
“Young Athletes has brought our family together. Rather than doing the divide and conquer, where one of us takes our typically developing kids to their activities and the other takes Ashton, who has Down syndrome to activities for kids with special needs, Young Athletes has given us much needed family time, because all 3 of our kids can participate. No one is left on the sidelines. It’s fun, so they all want to participate and I love seeing them cheer each other on. We also love connecting with other families and have made some good friends through young athletes programs. Friends who can relate to the highs and lows of having a child with a disability, who support each other and have fun together.”
Not only are they extremely involved in the sports aspect they are a part of the Organizing Committee for the annual Harvest Festival Fundraiser. Any way they can help grow the Young Athlete Program, they do.