It’s in the Bag: Supporting Those with Intellectual Disabilities While Supporting Special Olympics
By Brenda Stuart-Ryan, Denver journalist and frequent volunteer with Special Olympics Colorado
Fox 31’s Greg Nieto with Past Bagging Champ Jennifer Regan
I have won numerous awards in my career as a journalist, but none are as meaningful as the one I compete for every year at Safeway’s annual Bagging Challenge. Maybe it’s the partnership with a Special Olympic athlete that makes it so rewarding. The contest between the athletes and media members is fun but also fierce!
Safeway realizes that baggers are the backbone of the industry, and the people they employ to take special care of your items take pride in their work. I once thought the contest was all about speed, but thanks to the professionals, I quickly learned there’s more to bagging the milk, bread, and eggs than meets the eye. My partner, Robert, taught me that no one wants to arrive home with crushed bread or bags that are too heavy. It’s a good thing I had him by my side during last week’s competition.
3rd Place Winners Robert Bickell and Brenda Stuart
Safeway has donated more than a million dollars over the years to Special Olympics Colorado, and yes, they could make the donations without holding the annual bagging challenge, but what would be the fun in that? A little competition off the athletic field lets these athletes know how much they’re appreciated for their everyday efforts.
KMGH Channel 7’s Jayson Luber and Professional Bagger Richard Chase
I’m a little disappointed about not taking first place – that honor went to 9News reporter Briana Fernandez and her bagging whiz Eric Therkildsen- but as Robert pointed out to me, it’s not all about taking home the gold medal. It’s about competing and having fun.
News’ Briana Fernandez and the 2024 Bagging Champ Eric Therkildsen
While Briana and Eric have bragging rights for the next year, the rest of us will still display our trophies proudly… and look forward to another friendly and fierce competition next year.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Brenda Stuart-Ryan is a Denver journalist and frequent volunteer with Special Olympics Colorado. Her son’s favorite activities are swimming, basketball, bowling, and special events like Tip-a-Cop, the Plane Pull, and the Polar Plunge.