August 2020 Winners

Cameron Cox
Athlete of the Month

Cameron has been competing for Special Olympics Colorado for three years. When he was younger, Cameron was involved with Special Olympics Indiana as a swimmer and later competed on the Unified track team at Fruita High School. Now, he enjoys skiing and basketball.

Cameron’s favorite memory with Special Olympics was earlier this year when he had the opportunity to hold the torch at the State Winter Games at Copper Mountain during the Law Enforcement Torch Run. He enjoyed seeing everyone cheer him on as he participated in Winter Game’s Opening Ceremonies, it was an honor he will never forget.

Cameron’s favorite sport is skiing and he cannot wait to get back on the slopes to ski and hang out with his teammates. When he’s not on the slopes, Cameron enjoys hiking and stand up paddleboarding.

“Cameron is always in an uplifting mood, he is a wonderful athlete and is loved dearly by his friends, peers, family, and team,” said Western Regional Manager, Michelle Pewters.

Congratulations on being nominated as our August Athlete of the Month, Cameron!


Ford Motor Company
Corporate Partner of the Month

Our partnership with Ford began in 2019 when they became our Host Night Sponsor for the Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) International Conference here in Colorado. At the Conference, Ford was awarded the 2019 LETR Corporate Gold Sponsorship Award in support of the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Colorado.

In 2020, Ford generously donated a 2019 F-150 XLT SuperCrew to us and we have created our first-ever Ford Truck Raffle! Thanks to Ford, we are able to raffle off the truck and work with local Colorado Law Enforcement Agencies and Colorado companies to raise much-needed funds for our Special Olympics Colorado athletes. We are extra grateful for our Partnership with Ford during these times. Thank you to DeeDee Boykin of Ford, Brian Frick of GTB, and Lt. Kevin Heaton with the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office who helped us create this partnership.

In honor of our partnership, click here to purchase a truck raffle ticket!