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Join us for Special Olympics Colorado events, where athletes of all abilities come together to compete, celebrate, and inspire. Experience the joy, excitement, and unity as we promote acceptance and inclusion through the power of sport. Be a part of these transformative events that are more than just games - they're a movement!
Denver Public Schools Middle and Elementary School Bowling City Championships
Denver Public Schools High School Bowling City Championships
The annual Fall Harvest Gathering & Coach Appreciation Night for Special Olympics Colorado's Western Region is right around the corner! Come join us in celebration our local coaches, athletes, volunteers, sponsors, and the 2023 year.
Celebrate 40 Amazing Years of LETR Colorado!
2023 marks four decades of the Law Enforcement Torch Run in Colorado. And guess what? We're letting YOU; our fantastic athletes craft the magic for our 2024 LETR T-shirts! Put on your creative hats and let's make this anniversary truly special!