Flying High at United

Flying High at United

It was a dream come true when Special Olympics Colorado athlete, Cody Field, was hired as a Service Ambassador for United Airlines at the Denver International Airport.

Earlier this year, Cody had the opportunity to job shadow at United. “I got a call from Stephanie (Special Olympics Colorado’s Athlete Leadership and Family Services Manager) about a wonderful opportunity and it was the job shadow day at United,” said Cody.

During the job shadow, Cody and other Special Olympics Colorado athletes got to experience what it would be like to work for United. They learned about the different operating systems, how to get gate passes, and even learned about all of the items people are prohibited from bringing onto the plane.

Shortly after the job shadow, Cody received an email to apply for a Service Ambassador position and before he knew it, he was going in for an interview. He fondly remembers Jon Gooda, United’s Customer and Employee Advocate, walking in and asking him just one question: “What would you do if a customer is screaming at you?” Cody explained that he immediately knew the answer was to call for a manager. “I gave him the right answer,” he said proudly. “It was easy.”

After the interview, Cody was waiting with his fellow Special Olympics Colorado athletes, Hanna Atkinson, David Riley and Chris McElroy, when they heard the good news. They were offered positions at United! “I was so excited, I couldn’t resist doing the Undertaker’s victory bow like I do at State Games,” exclaimed Cody.

Since then, Cody has truly enjoyed working for United. He’s always been fond of the company because he flew United when travelling to South Korea in 2013 for the Special Olympics Winter World Games. “They made an announcement on the flight of all of the athletes who were going to South Korea for Winter Games,” said Cody. “It just showed they have the biggest hearts.”

Cody continuously said that United has the biggest hearts all around and said that he feels “most included” at United. He recently event received an email from his boss that she was getting multiple compliments about how helpful Cody is.

“I’m obsessed,” said Cody about his job at United. “I’m very happy that they reached out to me and the other athletes. I hope we hire more people with intellectual disabilities!”

Cody is among 4 Special Olympics Colorado athletes who were selected to work at United. Cody explained that more companies should hire people with intellectual disabilities because “we are all equal in many ways.” He said that companies should hire people with the right potential and that people with intellectual disabilities have that potential. “They always deserve a shot,” said Cody.

Overall, Cody is over the moon and excited to work for United. “I’m very happy they gave me the opportunity. Without the partnership with Special Olympics Colorado, this would have been dust,” he said. “Getting this job was a dream come true. I want to keep this job as long as I live!”

Interested in getting your company involved with Special Olympics Colorado? Check out our Unified Leadership page and get started today.

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