Photo of Hall of Fame female athlete of the year Awardee Andie Zitek

Andie Zitek

Female Athlete of the Year presented by Alpine Bank

Andie Zitek has been a Special Olympics Colorado athlete for more than 20 years. She competes in swimming, soccer, track and field, skiing, flag football, tennis, and volleyball. 

In addition to competing in countless regional and state competitions, Andie has competed in the X Games Unified Ski Race, participated as a member of the Unified Rapids Soccer team, serves as a National Anthem singer at countless competitions, and represented Colorado proudly by competing in tennis at the 2018 USA Games in Seattle, Washington and the 2022 USA Games in Orlando, Florida. 

Andie is also a seasoned leader amongst her fellow athletes, having graduated from Athlete Leadership University. She holds roles as a Fitness Captain, member of the Young Professionals Board, and has also been a proud employee of Warren Village where she works as a Floater Teacher. 

While Andie has earned countless medals in the swimming pool and on the ski slopes, it is her incredible sportsmanship, dedication, and kindness toward her fellow athletes that has earned her the recognition as the 2024 Female Athlete of the Year.   

Augie Lara

Male Athlete of the Year presented by Safeway

Augie Lara has been a Special Olympics Colorado athlete for 11 years. He is a multi-sport athlete who trains and competes in athletics, basketball, softball, and flag football.   

Augie is a Pueblo native and has been passionate about sports his entire life, even learning how to count using football playing cards. After graduating from Centennial High School, he went on to get a welding degree and then earned his master’s degree in Interscholastic Sports Administration from the American Public University system.  

Augie was a stellar member of Team Colorado in the 2022 Special Olympics USA Games where he competed in track and field. He has participated in Athlete Leadership University, serves as a Fitness Captain, was one of the early adopters of E-Sports within Special Olympics and has become a coach on the Steele City Sliders team. He currently works as a customer relations representative at Kroenke Sports, with the Rockies and the Broncos.

He is laid back, personable, and always makes it a point to interact with all athletes in his region and community. His involvement in his community and unwavering support of his fellow athletes has earned him the recognition as the 2024 Male Athlete of the Year. 

Jeremy Dorr

“Vicky Matarazzo” Coach of the Year

Coach Jeremy Dorr began his Special Olympics Colorado coaching career in 2012 at Grandview High School. After moving to Legend High School, Jeremy started a Unified sports program and helped earn Legend “National Banner School” recognition – a designation only given to a few distinct schools across the country.   

Jeremy coaches Special Olympics teams in both school and community settings. He coaches teams in bowling, flag football, softball, powerlifting, and basketball. This winter alone, he coached six distinct basketball teams. Jeremy also coached Team Colorado’s Bowling Team in the 2018 USA Games in Seattle, Washington.

Coach Dorr is a mentor to countless students and athletes, constantly serving as a supportive presence in their lives and demonstrating all that they can accomplish on the playing field and in life.

Suzi Miller

Volunteer of the Year presented by Hyatt Regency of Denver

Suzi Miller’s journey with Special Olympics Colorado began three decades ago, when a friend introduced her and her late husband, Scott, to the organization. Since then, Suzi has remained steadfastly committed. 
Suzi is an integral member of the Games Organizing Committee (GOC), a dedicated team that works tirelessly year-round behind the scenes to plan and execute SOCO’s State Games. Suzi also volunteers her time at all state games and many fundraisers, and many recognize her as the creative mind behind your favorite souvenirs, a role she has dedicated countless hours during her remarkable 30-year tenure with Special Olympics.  
Volunteering is a family affair, as her children and their children have become dedicated volunteers alongside Suzi. Suzi’s selfless generosity of time, commitment and dedication to the spirit of Special Olympics has earned her the title of the 2024 Volunteer of the Year. 

Denver Police Department

Law Enforcement Agency of the Year

The Denver Police Department (DPD) has been a key partner and supporter of Special Olympics Colorado for more than 25 years. Over that time, they have raised an astounding $500,000 in critical funding to directly support athletes that SOCO serves.  
The DPD academy class is consistently the top fundraising team at the Polar Plunge raising up to $50,000 annually, they actively participate in Tip-A-Cop fundraisers, provide escorts for runners during the Tribute at the Capitol Torch Run, and engage in the Plane Pull at DEN, showcasing vehicles and Segways for added entertainment.  
Beyond their financial contributions, the Denver Police Department serves as a beacon of support and encouragement, attending competitions to present medals, presenting the colors, and cheering on athletes from the sidelines.  
Their embodiment of inclusivity within our community has led them to be awarded the title of Law Enforcement Agency of the Year. 

Adams County School District 14

Young Athletes Program of the Year presented by Kaiser Permanente

Adams County School District 14 Early Childhood Education started implementing Young Athletes in 2014Currently they serve approximately 370 students with and without disabilities in 28 classrooms across 8 different sites in Commerce City. Additionally, they have trained 54 Young Athlete coaches.  
They have become a model program taking advantage of all that Young Athletes has to offer while advocating for more schools within the area to get involved.  They facilitate the inclusive Young Athletes activities multiple times per week ensuring that each child has ample time to practice, build confidence and develop their gross motor and socialization skills throughout the year.   
Their commitment to creating inclusive classrooms from the earliest age possible as earned them the title of Young Athlete Program of the Year.

Trail Ridge Middle School

“Chaka Sutton” Unified Champion School of the Year

Special Olympics Colorado’s Unified Champion Schools program aims to break down barriers that often exist between students with and without intellectual disabilities, ultimately promoting a culture of inclusion and unity within the entire student body. Trail Ridge Middle School has not only embraced the Unified Champion Schools program within their school, but they have served as a model program while being instrumental in helping the program grow to other middle schools within St. Vrain Valley School District.  
They offer year-round inclusive programming, regularly compete in regional and state competitions, host school-wide inclusion campaigns and much more. Trail Ridge Middle School was recognized as a Special Olympics National Banner Unified Champion School in 2023, which is the highest recognition a unified school can receive nation-wide. 
For creating a school climate that exudes collaboration and a respect for all students, Special Olympics Colorado is thrilled to name Trail Ridge Middle School the “Chaka Sutton” Unified Champion School of the Year