Q&A with Special Olympics Colorado Fitness Captain, Casey Collard

Q&A with Special Olympics Colorado Fitness Captain, Casey Collard

"I have also learned to communicate better with athletes of various abilities." - Casey Collard

Athlete Casey Collard photo of him raising hands in the air in victory.
Picture of athlete Case Collard running with a football in his hands.

Q&A with Casey Collard

Article by Abby Camisa, Inclusive Health Intern 


Special Olympics Colorado Inclusive Health Intern, Abby Camisa reached out to Casey Collard, a Western Regional Fitness Captain in Colorado. Here is what he had to say about how being a Fitness Captain has impacted his life and his experience with Special Olympics Colorado. 

Q: What does being a Fitness Captain mean to you? 
A: Being a Western Reginal Fitness Captain means I am a role model for my fellow athletes. This involves showing leadership and encouraging others. I want to help other athletes learn how to get a fit body and mind. 


Q: What do you enjoy most about being a Fitness Captain? 
A: I have enjoyed leading warm ups during practices and talking about drinking plenty of water, eating better and getting plenty of sleep. 


Q: What skills have you improved on by being a Fitness Captain? 
A: Being a Fitness Captain has helped me with my communication skills. I have also learned to communicate better with athletes of various abilities. This helps me to get to know the athletes I spend time with better. I like to encourage each athlete and push them to do better. 


Q: What is one characteristic that you think is important to have as a Fitness Captain? 
A: Athletes feel more comfortable when the Fitness Captain cares and knows each athletes’ circumstances. I do this by taking the time to understand what they are telling or asking of me. 


Interested in becoming a Fitness Captain like Casey? Please contact our Fitness and Wellness Manager, Casey Torbet at ctorbet@specialolympicsco.org to learn more about how to get involved.